Alcuni termini riproducono rumori di oggetti o eventi, spesso con combinazioni di lettere non comuni al resto della lingua. Sono usate spesso nei fumetti, nel linguaggio dei bambini. Notare che non necessariamente corrispondono nelle diverse lingue. Anzi molti termini inglesi (sniff, slam ecc.) vengono usati in italiano come suoni onomatopeici senza essere considerate parole da persone che non conoscono l' inglese.

ah, ah, ah to imitate the sound of laughing
bang, bang to reproduce the sound of a gun
bau bau to imitate a dog barking


to indicate that is cold

bum or boom to reproduce the sound of an explosion
bump to imitate the sound of an object slammed on a surface
chaff the sound of a person hitting another person on the face with an open hand
ciuf ciuf to imitate the sound of a steam train
clack to imitate the sound of closing something with a clack
clang to imitate the sound of a bell
clap, clap to reproduce the sound clapping
Clof, clop, cloch, cloffete, cloppete, clocchette, chchch... to imitate the sound of a sick fountain (Aldo Palazzeschi)
cough, cough the sound of a person coughing

crac or crack, patatrac

to imitate the breaking of something

crash the sound of a crash

din don dan

to imitate the sound of bells

drin drin

to imitate the sound of a bell


the sound of sneezing


the sound of sneezing

fiiiiiiiiiiii to reproduce the sound of a whistle

glu glu glu

to indicate the sound of drinking a liquid

gulp to reproduce the sense of swallowing in surprise
paff o paffete to reproduce the sound of a slap


to indicate the sound of a person falling

pfui to indicate disdain
pss to ask for silence of attract attention
puah to indicate a sense of disgust
puff to indicate something disappearing in the air

pum pum

to imitate the sound of a gun

sbump the sound of a person falling noisily
sciaff the sound of a person hitting another person on the face with an open hand
scio to send someone away
skrieeek to reproduce the sound of a chalkborad on a blackboard
slack the sound of whip
slam to reproduce the sound of a door slammed
sniff, sniff to reproduce the sound of sniffing
sock the sound of a person hitting another person with a fist
spag the sound of a person hitting another person with a fist
speng the sound of a person hitting a person with an object
splash to reproduce the sound of an object or a person falling into water
squit to reproduce the sound of a mouse
st, sst, ssst ,sss, ssh to ask someone to be quiet
tapum to reproduce the sound of a rifle
tarà, tarattà, tatattattatà, tatà, taaà to reproduce the sound of a trumpet
thump to imitate the sound of a person hitting an object

tic tac

to imitate the sound of a clock

tin tin to reproduce the sound of a bell
tlack to imitate the sound a person hanging the phone

toc toc

to imitate the sound of knocking

tric, trac, tricche tracche to reproduce the sound of an object cracking
tuff to reproduce the sound of an object falling in water
tweet to reproduce the sound of a cellphone ringing
twiiiing to imitate the sound of a guitar cord breaking
ue to imitate a child crying
uff, uffa, auffa to indicate boredom, impatience
uh to imitate the sound of a ghost
vroom, or wroom to imitate the sound of a car
weeeeeeee the sound of a police syren
whack the sound of a person hitting another person with a fist
whump the sound of a person hitting another person with a fist
Wroosh to reproduce the falling of a landslide
za, zac to reproduce the sound of a cutting object
zaff, zaffe, zaffete to reproduce the sound of grabbing or snatching something fast
zig zag to indicate a way of moving constantly changing direction
zip the sound of something closing
ziro ziro to imitate the sound of a violin badly played

zum zum

to imitate the sound of a musical instrument

zump to imitate the sound of jumping

zzz, zszszs

to imitate the sound of sleeping or of a mosquito