Centro Studi Italiani TM

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Military ranks (army)

List of military ranks in descending order with an American English equivalent. Functions of an Italian rank do not necessarily correspond to an American rank.
Maresciallo d'Italia General of the army [Five star general]
Generale d'armata General [Four star general]
Generale di còrpo d'armata Lieutenat General [Three star general]
Generale di divisióne Major General [Two star general]
Generale di brigata Brigadier General [One star general]
Colonnèllo Colonel
Tenènte colonnèllo Lieutenant Colonel
Maggióre Major
Capitàno Captain
Tenènte First Lieutenant
Sottotenènte Second Lieutenant
Maresciallo Warrant Officer
Sergènte maggióre Sergeant Major
Sergènte Sergeant
Caporale maggiore Corporal
Caporale Private 1 class
Soldato Basic private

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