Verbs Followed by "DI" plus the Infinitive

(Same Subject)

Many verbs can be followed by a verb in the infinitive, when there is only one subject for both verbs. In many cases, this infinitive must be preceded by the preposition DI.

These verbs can be divided into five large groups.

1. Verbs indicating decision, affirmation or opinion..

accòrgersi to realize
accettare to accept
affermare to affirm
ammettere to admit
annunciare to announce
apprèndere to learn
assicurare to assure
capire to understand
comunicare to communicate
confermare to confirm
confessare to confess
convenire to agree
decidere to decide
dichiarare to declare
dimenticare to forget
dimostrare to demonstrate
dire to say
escludere to exclude
evitare to avoid
fingere to pretend
giurare to swear
ignorare to ignore
indovinare to guess
infischiarsene do not care about something
informare to inform
lamentarsi to complain
minacciare to threaten
narrare to narrate
negare to negate
occuparsi to be concerned with
pensare to think
pentirsi to regret
raccontare to tell
rendersi conto to realize
riconoscere to recognize
ricordare to remember
ricordarsi to remember
riferire to report
rifiutarsi to refuse
ringraziare to thank
ripetere to repeat
sapere to know
smettere to stop
sostenere to defend
stabilire to establish
stancarsi to get rired of something
trascurare to neglect
trattarsi to to be a question of
vergognarsi to be ashamed of

2. Verbs indicating indecision, uncertainty, fear and amazement.<

credere to believe
dispiacersi to be saddened
dolersi to be sorry
dubitare to doubt
fantasticare to fantasize
illudersi to delude oneself
meravigliarsi to wonder
rimpiangere to regret
rischiare to risk
ritenere to believe
soffrire to suffer
sospettare to suspect
stancarsi to get tired of
stupirsi to wonder
supporre to suppose

3. Verbs indicating a request, an attempt or a question

cercare to try
chiedere to ask
domandare to ask
ingegnarsi to do one's best
interessarsi to be interested in
offrire to offer
proporre to propose
tentare to attempt

4. Verbs indicating wait, promise or hope

aspettarsi to expetct
augurarsi to hope
attendere to wait
aspettare to wait
fantasticare to fantasize
preoccuparsi to worry
proporsi to plan
promettere to promise
ripromettersi to have in mind
sperare to hope
sognare to dream

5. Verbs indicating an ending

cessare to stop
finire to stop, to end
lasciar perdere to forget about something
smettere to stop
tralasciare to avoid

To this group we can add some verbal expressions formed with

1. AVERE plus a noun:

avere bisogno to need
avere fretta to be in a hurry
avere idea to think
avere il diritto to have the right
avere intenzione to intend
avere l'impressione to feel
avere paura to fear
avere voglia to need, to feel like
averevergogna to be ashamed

2. ESSERE plus an adjective:

essere lieto to be happy
essere contento to be happy
essere felice to be happy
essere fiero to be proud
essere in grado to be able to
essere nella posizione to be in the position of

3. pronominal verbs:

non poterne più to be exhausted, to be unable to put up with something
sentirsela to feel like

The most common exceptions are:

amare to love
desiderare to wish
dovere to have to
gradire to appreciate
intendere to intend
osare to dare
potere can
preferire to prefer
sapere to know
volere want

Esercizio 1

Esercizio 2

Esercizio 3

Vedi anche:

Proposizioni che vogliono l'infinito con la preposizione A

Verbi che vogliono l'infinito con la preposizione A

Espressioni idiomatiche con preposizioni e infinito

For pronoun agreement, see also:
Le coniugazioni chiave.
Pronomi diretti
Pronomi riflessivi
L'uso del si
For a list of reflexive verbs, see Verbi riflessivi
For a list of impersonal verbs, see Verbi impersonali